Sunday, February 7, 2016

How Deep Is Your Love?

It is easy to say we love the Lord, but how deep is that love.?  Is the depth of our love such that when persecution and storms come our way, we stand strong in the Lord? 

In the bible there are many accounts outlining how believers were attacked and persecuted.  Some quickly denied they ever knew Christ, others stood strong even when they lost everything they cared about.  Christ provides us an example of what it means to stand fast in faith and love.  Throughout his time of earth he was persecuted and attacked, yet he remained faithful.   Facing death on the cross, he again proved his love lifting his voice to heaven and asking God to forgive his persecutors.  

We are challenged to consider the depth of our love for the Lord and our willingness to love him in spite of the persecution and storms we face.  Our love should be as unconditional as his love is for us.  He was willing to die for us even though we were sinners that we might be justified through his blood.  How deep is your love, deep enough that you would be willing to die for him?  Think about it...  Just a little advice to go! 

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