Sunday, February 21, 2016

God's Five Protections

God's word outlines five protections in Chapter 18 of the Book of Psalms, verses 2 and 3.  These protections are guaranteed to each of us if we simply believe.  Our heavenly father is a:

1. ROCK that can't be moved by any who would harm us

2. FORTRESS or place of safety where the enemy can't follow

3. SHIELD that comes between us and harm

4. HORN of salvation-a symbol of might and power

5. STRONGHOLD  high above our enemies.

Challenges will come throughout your daily walk and the reaction for many of us, myself included, is sometimes apprehension and fear.  God reminds us that we need not fear the challenges of the day because he is our rock, fortress, shield, horn, and stronghold.  He is more than sufficient to protect and guide us through these daily challenges.  In Him will I trust!  Just a little advise to go!

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