Monday, January 23, 2023

Hope For Tomorrow!

In Jesus’ time, people presented him with their problems and the challenges resulting from them.  You had the blind man by the pool of water, always trying to dip himself at the right time to regain his vision.  There was the man called Lazarus who was dead when Jesus arrived but alive when he left.  You had the woman who was a prostitute and was to be stoned to death as required by the law until Jesus showed up and proclaimed, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. There was also the tax collector who was one of the most despised in those times, yet Jesus chose to dine in his home and make him part of his team.  In each of those situations, Jesus didn’t see the obstacles but instead saw the possibilities, and miracles happened.  

We need to always hold on to God's promises and the assurance that all things are possible if we simply believe.  God's grace is sufficient to carry us through the storm into the brightness of the rainbow.  Today the world is often in a stage of chaos, full of impossibilities.  But if we view it through the lens of God's word, then we can come together and make the impossible, possible! 

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