Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. John 12:26
Value living, that is precisely what we as believers should be doing each and every day. Companies have value statements that guide the direction and actions taken by the company as a whole. So why don't we have a value statement that guides our actions as members of the body of Christ?
As believers we have the word to guide our action which we should adapt into our daily living. During one of my former leadership roles, I developed a set of guiding principles for the organization. I used the acronym H.E.A.R.T. because I believed if they were to become the values of the organization people would have to believe in them with a heart felt sincerity. I have adopted those principles as a method to ensure I am "Value Living", here they are:
H-honor-everything I do should be honorable to my Lord and Savior. If it doesn't honor him then I shouldn't be doing it.
E-excellence-strive to do everything to a level of excellence that is pleasing to the father and I mean everything.
A-accountable-always remember that everything you do, you are accountable for. Our father will forgive us, but others will hold us accountable.
R-respectful-be respectful of all human beings. I often find myself reminding others that while we may hate the sin, we are not to hate the sinner but to overcome sin through mercy, grace and forgiveness.
T-team-I believe that as believers we must be part of a team of believers. There is a reason that God's word tells us that where there are two or more, there am I in the midst of them. There is greater power in a team approach to serving the Lord.
So there you have it, my guiding principles which I strive to live by each and every day to ensure that I am "Value Living". Just a little advice to go!